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ORACLE在HP  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  Oracle: 在HP UX 系统中配置Oracle   问题  如何在HP UX 系统中正确地配置Oracle   配置  操作系统 HP UX  版本   硬件系统 HP   系统 K   子系统 Oracle   解决方法    在HP UX 系统下正确配置Oracle 可执行如下步骤 注 此信息摘录自Oracle 安装指南(产品部件号 A ) 第二部分(设置环境) 页码 到   可以在如下的URL链接中下载此文档        以root 登录      设置Oracle 服务器环境   为Oracle 配置UXIX内核   创建Mount 点   为自己的Oracle软件设置Unix账号   创建一个临时bin 目录   创建oratab文件   为Oracle 配置Unix内核   为调节Oracle 的SGA结构 配置Unix内核的进程间通讯(IPC)参数   如果系统中没有足够的共享内存以调节SGA的话 就无法启动数据库      使用 ipcs 命令获得系统当前共享内存和信号段 以及他们的标识号及拥有者的列表    由于HP UX系统中共享内存被动态装载 当运行 ipcs 时 您也可能会接到共享内存设施不在系统内的消息 共享内存驱动在Oracle 服务器被执行后才被装载 您可以使用系统管理员(SAM)来确认系统已经配有足够的共享内存    以如下的方式设置内核参数    n 最大尺寸的共享内存段(SHMMAX)   n 系统中最大数据的共享内存段(SHMMNI)   n 用户进程所能附属的最大数目的共享内存段(SHMSEG)   n 在全系统内可用于分配的最大共享内存数量(SHMMNS)   用如下的公式确定总的可用共享内存数量 SHMMAX*SHMESG   在表 中的参数控制着信号量与共享内存的分配 推荐的数值对于一个实例来讲是最优的 并且也是基于init sid ora文件的缺省值 如果想安装多个实例 或是更广泛地修改init sid ora文件 可以把这些参数设得更高些 Oracle公司推荐将这些参数在操作系统允许范围内设置得尽可能高 然而 将这些参数设置得过高可能会阻止系统的启动 参见操作系统文档可以得到这些参数的设置限定    以最小的推荐值用SAM配置HP UX内核   推荐值     shmmax=     shmmin=     shmmni=     shmseg=     semmns=     semmni=          following with all English text   Oracle: configuring Oracle on an HP UX system    PROBLEM    How do I properly configure Oracle on my HP UX system?  CONFIGURATION  Operating System HP UX  Version   Hardware System HP   Series K   Subsystem Oracle       RESOLUTION    Perform the following steps to properly configure Oracle on  your system:     Note: This information was extracted from the Oracle Installation      Guide (Part Number A ) Section (Setting the      Environment) pages through         You can download this document from the following URL (Uniform      Resource Locator):               Log in as root      Setup the Oracle Server environment:       Configure UNIX Kernel for Oracle     Create Mount Points     Create UNIX Groups for Database Administrators     Create UNIX Account to Own Oracle Sofare     Create a Local bin Directory     Create the oratab File     Configure UNIX Kernel for Oracle     Configure the UNIX kernel Interprocess Communication (IPC)     parameters to acmodate the SGA structure of the Oracle      Server  You will not be able to start the database if the     system does not have adequate shared memory to acmodate     the SGA      Use the ipcs mand to obtain a list of the system s current    shared memory and semaphore segments and their identification    number and owner       Because the shared memory in HP UX is dynamically loaded when    you run ipcs you may receive a message that the shared memory    facility is not in the system  The shared memory driver is    loaded after the Oracle Server is executed  You can use the    System Administration Manager (SAM) to verify that the system    has been configured with enough shared memory      Set the kernel parameters in the following manner:       n maximum size of a shared memory segment (SHMMAX)     n maximum number of shared memory segments in the system     (SHMMNI)     n maximum number of shared memory segments a user process can     attach (SHMSEG)     n maximum amount of shared memory that can be allocated     system wide (SHMMNS)       Use this formula to determine the total allowable shared     memory:       SHMMAX * SHMSEG       The parameters in Table control the allocation of     semaphores and shared memory  The remended values are     optimal for one instance and are based on the default     init sid ora file  If you plan to install more than one     instance or to modify the init sid ora file extensively set     these parameters higher  Oracle Corporation remends that     you set these parameters as high as possible for the operating     system  However setting these parameters too high for the     operating system can prevent the system from booting  Refer     to the operating system documentation for parameter limits      Use SAM to configure the HP UX kernel with the minimum    remended values:      shmmax=     shmmin=     shmmni=     shmseg=     semmns=     semmni=   Table Shared Memory and Semaphore Parameters    Note: See A for  related information      cha138/Article/program/Oracle/201311/17983


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ORACLE在HP-UX下的系列问题处理(21)  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!