知识大全 Oracle Fail Safe Step-By-Step Installation and Co

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篇首语:少年恃险若平地,独倚长剑凌清秋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Oracle Fail Safe Step-By-Step Installation and Co相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Oracle Fail Safe Step-By-Step Installation and Co  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  Bookmark Fixed font Go to End     Doc ID: Note:   Subject: Oracle Fail Safe Step By Step Installation and Configuration   Type: BULLETIN   Status: PUBLISHED   Content Type: TEXT/PLAIN   Creation Date: SEP   Last Revision Date: MAR       PURPOSE     This paper describes the installation and configuration of   a plete Oracle Fail Safe system from the scratch no   Oracle products are even installed A step by step approach   is taken to simplify the explanation After each step its   the name of the node where the operation must be submitted     SCOPE & APPLICATION     This paper is intended to people that will install and   configure the Oracle Fail Safe   It assumes that the MSCS is already configured and   running       RELATED DOCUMENTS     None        Install Oracle on (Node )    Reboot Node    Install Oracle on (Node )    Reboot Node    Create a database to be added to the cluster (using Note: )   do not configure Net for the newly created database Remember   control files redo log files and datafiles all must be created in the   shared disks (Node )    Add an ORACLE_SID variable with its value being the SID of the   database created in Step to the Oracle Hive in the Registry of both   nodes (Node Node )    Install FailSafe on (Server and Manager   ponents) (Node )    Install FailSafe patch on (Node )    Reboot Node    Install FailSafe on (Server and Manager   ponents) (Node )    Install FailSafe patch on (Node )    Reboot Node    Ping the Cluster Alias and each node s hostname(you could see all   the names in the MSCS Administrator) if all reply then proceed If   not then ask the System Administrator to check the problem The public   IP should e first when pinging each node! (Node )    Ping the Cluster Alias and each node s hostname(you could see all the   names in the MSCS Administrator) if all reply with the same IPs of   step then proceed If not ask the System Administrator to check   the problem The public IP should e first when pinging each node!   (Node )    Edit %windir%\\System \\Drivers\\etc\\hosts and add a unique hostname   and a free IP in the list (Node )    Edit %windir%\\System \\Drivers\\etc\\hosts and add the same hostname   and IP added in (Node )    Enter Fail Safe Manager(FSM): you will be prompted for four   fields Fill the fields username and password with a Windows NT   Administrator the cluster name is the root of the tree that   appears in the MSCS Administrator the domain name is the name   of the domain that the nodes belong (it s displayed in the logon   box of NT) (Node )    In FSM choose Verify Cluster if any errors are detected fix them   before proceeding    In FSM Choose Add a New Group when asked for a Neork Name choose   Neork Accessible by Clients and in the Name Field put the hostname   written in the hosts file of steps and You should see the   IP field being automatically filled (with the IP specified in steps    and ) all other wizard steps are self explained (Node )    Choose Verify Group in FSM to assure that the group was   created ok    Copy the password file and init ora (if it is in the private   disks) of the databases to be added to the cluster to the same path   in the other node (Node Node )    Set all Net listeners to Manual Startup Fail Safe will start the   Listener automatically on failover (Node )    In the FSM choose Verify Standalone Database if everything is ok   proceed to if not fix the problems detected    In the FSM choose Add a Standalone Database to the previously   created group Be sure that no Listeners are started up when doing so   (Node )    Make a Move to Other Node Operation to test the configuration   (rigth click the DB in the tree of FSM and choose that option)   (Node )    Restore the DB to the original Node doing another Move to Other   Node operation (Node )         cha138/Article/program/Oracle/201311/18989


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