知识大全 使用Decorator模式实现日期选择组件(4)

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篇首语:业精于勤而荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于随本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 使用Decorator模式实现日期选择组件(4)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

使用Decorator模式实现日期选择组件(4)  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

   标题  这Date_selector_panel是重要部分 现在我们来看看他的装饰 Titled_date_selector类只做一件事情 给未装饰的日历增加个标题 这是对实现了Date_selector的JPanel面板的包装 它只显示现有的Date_selector和显示日期的标签 下面的实现是微不足道 和用户界面无相关值得说的只有那其中 行动作监听代码 监听器获取日期改变通知(通过用户导航或者方法调用)便做相应的标签日期更新 其他代码只是简单地创建面板和将Date_selector与JLable标题包装进面板中   这表明这部分代码易写 易管理比较简单 如果它被混合在Date_selector_panel中 将会在 没有明显的优点的情况下增加了代码的复杂度 (代码有组织地放在某处比全混合在一个地方更加清晰 )如果我想要标题更加美观 只需要修改这一个类即可以实现根本就不需要动其他部分     public class Titled_date_selector extends JPanel implements Date_selector    private    Date_selector selector;    private final JLabel title = new JLabel( XXXX );      /** Wrap an existing Date_selector to add a title bar showing     * the displayed month and year The title changes as the     * user navigates      */      public Titled_date_selector( Date_selector selector )      this selector = selector;        title setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants CENTER);      title setOpaque   ( true                   );      title setBackground ( holub ui Colors LIGHT_YELLOW     );      title setFont    ( title getFont() deriveFont( Font BOLD )  );        selector addActionListener      (  new ActionListener()          public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )            if( e getID() == Date_selector_panel CHANGE_ACTION )              title setText( e getActionCommand() );            else              my_subscribers actionPerformed(e);                        );        setOpaque(false);      setLayout( new BorderLayout() );      add( title  BorderLayout NORTH );      add( (JPanel)selector BorderLayout CENTER );          /** This constructor lets you specify the background color of the     * title strip that holds the month name and year (the default     * is light yellow)      *     * @param label_background_color the color of the title bar or     *   null to make it transparent      */    public Titled_date_selector( Date_selector selector Color label_background_color )      this(selector);      if( label_background_color == null )        title setOpaque( false );      else        title setBackground( label_background_color );          private ActionListener my_subscribers = null;    public synchronized void addActionListener(ActionListener l)      my_subscribers = AWTEventMulticaster add(my_subscribers l);        public synchronized void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)      my_subscribers = AWTEventMulticaster remove(my_subscribers l);          public Date get_selected_date()   return selector get_selected_date();     public Date get_current_date()    return selector get_current_date();      public void roll(int f boolean up)     selector roll(f up);          public int get(int f)        return selector get(f);                NAVIGATION/导航  下面展示的就是导航栏的实现代码 虽然有点长 但同样非常地简单 代码由定义了 个图象文件的代码开始 (我计划以后放弃箭头采用代码实现 但是现在仍然在用图象文件 )用下面的代码 把图象作为资源获取过来   ClassLoader loader = getClass() getClassLoader();  loader getResource( IMAGE_FILE_NAME );  classloader在找类的地方找图象资源 比如 程序在文件系统中运行 它将要在classpath中查找文件路径 因为没有用到绝对路径 代码是更加容易的打包成jar文件 并且文件也不再需要建立在文件系统中 导航栏是一个四个用图象做标签的按纽 按纽的动作监听通过Date_selector的roll()来包装日历对象 并且月份的改变也激发标题栏的改变 有一点非常重要就是导航条不知道也不影响标题 标题包装器是一个监听 所以它能自动的更新标题 导航条根本就不知道标题包装器的存在     public class Navigable_date_selector extends JPanel implements Date_selector    private    Date_selector selector;      // Names of image files used for the navigator bar    private static final String      NEXT_YEAR    = images/ px red arrow right double gif       NEXT_MONTH   = images/ px red arrow right gif       PREVIOUS_YEAR  = images/ px red arrow left double gif       PREVIOUS_MONTH = images/ px red arrow left gif ;      // These constants are used to identify the button and    // as the button caption in the event that the appropriate    // image file can t be located      private static final String FORWARD_MONTH  = >                      FORWARD_YEAR  = >>                      BACK_MONTH   = <                      BACK_YEAR    = <<         private JPanel navigation = new JPanel();      public Navigable_date_selector( Date_selector selector )      this selector = selector;      setBorder( null );      setOpaque( false );      setLayout( new BorderLayout() );      add( (JPanel)selector BorderLayout CENTER );        navigation setLayout(new FlowLayout());      navigation setBorder( null );      navigation setBackground( holub ui Colors LIGHT_YELLOW );      navigation add( make_navigation_button(BACK_YEAR  ) );      navigation add( make_navigation_button(BACK_MONTH  ) );      navigation add( make_navigation_button(FORWARD_MONTH) );      navigation add( make_navigation_button(FORWARD_YEAR ) );        add(navigation BorderLayout SOUTH);          //     // I left out a few constructors and utility methods that go here    //       private final Navigation_handler navigation_listener                      = new Navigation_handler();      /** Handle clicks from the navigation bar buttons */      private class Navigation_handler implements ActionListener      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)        String direction = e getActionCommand();          if   (direction==FORWARD_YEAR )selector roll(Calendar YEAR true);        else if(direction==BACK_YEAR  )selector roll(Calendar YEAR false);        else if(direction==FORWARD_MONTH)                  selector roll(Calendar MONTH true);          if( selector get(Calendar MONTH) == Calendar JANUARY )            selector roll(Calendar YEAR true);                else if (direction==BACK_MONTH )                  selector roll(Calendar MONTH false);          if( selector get(Calendar MONTH) == Calendar DECEMBER )            selector roll(Calendar YEAR false);                else          assert false:  Unexpected direction ;                        private JButton make_navigation_button(String caption)          ClassLoader loader = getClass() getClassLoader();      URL image =        (cap cha138/Article/program/Java/gj/201311/27437


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