知识大全 Hibernate+Spring搞定Clob、Blob的存取


篇首语:没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 Hibernate+Spring搞定Clob、Blob的存取相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Hibernate+Spring搞定Clob、Blob的存取  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.cha138.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

  摘要 本文通过一个实例讲述如何通过Spring +Hibernate 来快捷操作数据库中的Lob字段     环境 Oracle g Srping Hibernate JUint

  说明 由于时间紧迫 没有详细写出思路 运行一下例子就明白了

  一 创建实体并添加Xdoclet的Hibernate标签

  /**     * @author leizhimin     * @hibernate mapping default lazy= false      * ta attribute= class description value= 工作日志      * @hibernate class table= rc_gzrz      */    public class WorkNote         private Long id;                    //标识        private Date workDate;             //日期        private String weather;             //天气        private String content;             //日志内容(Clob)        private String state;               //日志状态        private Long Id;                 //机构id        private Long userId;                //用户id        private Date createDate;            //创建日期        private byte[] image;               //图片

  public static final String WORKNOTE_BLANK = ;         //未填写        public static final String WORKNOTE_FULL = ;          //已填写

  /**         * @hibernate id generator class= sequence column= BS          * ta attribute= field description value= 标识          * @hibernate generator param name= sequence value= SEQ_GW          */        public Long getId()             return id;       

  public void setId(Long id)             this id = id;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= workDate not null= false type= timestamp          * ta attribute= field description value= 工作日期          */

  public Date getWorkDate()             return workDate;       

  public void setWorkDate(Date workDate)             this workDate = workDate;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= weather not null= false length=          * ta attribute= field description value= 天气          */        public String getWeather()             return weather;       

  public void setWeather(String weather)             this weather = weather;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= content not null= false type= text          * ta attribute= field description value= 内容          */        public String getContent()             return content;       

  public void setContent(String content)             ntent = content;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= state not null= false length=          * ta attribute= field description value= 状态          */        public String getState()             return state;       

  public void setState(String state)             this state = state;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= Id type= long          * ta attribute= field description value= 机构id          */        public Long getOrgId()             return Id;       

  public void setOrgId(Long Id)             Id = Id;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= userId type= long          * ta attribute= field description value= 用户id          */        public Long getUserId()             return userId;       

  public void setUserId(Long userId)             this userId = userId;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= createDate not null= false type= timestamp          * ta attribute= field description value= 创建日期          */        public Date getCreateDate()             return createDate;       

  public void setCreateDate(Date createDate)             this createDate = createDate;       

  /**         * @hibernate property column= image type= blob not null= false          * ta attribute= field description value= 图片          */        public byte[] getImage()             return image;       

  public void setImage(byte[] image)             this image = image;           

    二 通过XDoclet生成Mapping 并修正lob映射的类型为Spring提供的类型

  <?xml version= encoding= gb ?>

  <!DOCTYPE hibernate mapping PUBLIC        //Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD //EN         mapping dtd >

  <hibernate mapping            default lazy= false     >        <class            name= topsoft oa routine domain office entity WorkNote             table= rc_gzrz         >            <meta attribute= class description >工作日志</meta>

  <id                name= id                 column= BS                 type= java lang Long             >                <meta attribute= field description >标识</meta>                <generator class= sequence >                    <param name= sequence >SEQ_GW</param>                  <!                       To add non XDoclet generator parameters create a file named                      hibernate generator params WorkNote xml                      containing the additional parameters and place it in your merge dir                   >                </generator>            </id>

  <property                name= workDate                 type= timestamp                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= workDate                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >工作日期</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= weather                 type= java lang String                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= weather                 length=                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >天气</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= content                 type= springframework orm hibernate support ClobStringType                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= content                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >内容</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= state                 type= java lang String                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= state                 length=                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >状态</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= Id                 type= long                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= Id             >                <meta attribute= field description >机构id</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= userId                 type= long                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= userId             >                <meta attribute= field description >用户id</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= createDate                 type= timestamp                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= createDate                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >创建日期</meta>            </property>

  <property                name= image                 type= springframework orm hibernate support BlobByteArrayType                 update= true                 insert= true                 column= image                 not null= false             >                <meta attribute= field description >图片</meta>            </property>

  <!                 To add non XDoclet property mappings create a file named                    hibernate properties WorkNote xml                containing the additional properties and place it in your merge dir             >


  </hibernate mapping>

  三 通过Mapping 用XDoclet生成数据库(Oracle)脚本 并建表

  drop table rc_gzrz cascade constraints;

  create table rc_gzrz (            BS number( ) not null             workDate timestamp             weather varchar ( char)             content clob             state varchar ( char)             Id number( )             userId number( )             createDate timestamp             image blob             primary key (BS)        );

  ment on table rc_gzrz is            工作日志 ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz BS is            标识 ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz workDate is            工作日期 ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz weather is            天气 ;

  ment on column ntent is            内容 ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz state is            状态 ;

  ment on column Id is            机构id ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz userId is            用户id ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz createDate is            创建日期 ;

  ment on column rc_gzrz image is            图片 ;

  四 创建DAO层

  /**     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA      * User: leizhimin     * Date:      * Time: : :      * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates      */    public interface WorkNoteDAO extends CommonDAO         /**         * 根据日期查询工作日志         *         * @param workDate 工作日期         * @param userId   用户id         * @param Id    机构id         * @param sp       分页对象         * @return List         */        public List findWorkNoteByDate(Date workDate Long userId Long Id SplitPage sp);

  /**         * 根据状态查询工作日志         *         * @param state     日志状态         * @param userId    用户id         * @param Id     机构id         * @param sp        分页对象         * @return List         */        public List findWorkNoteByState(String state Long userId Long Id SplitPage sp);   

  /**     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA      * User: leizhimin     * Date:      * Time: : :      * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates      */    public class WorkNoteDAOImpl extends CommonDAOImpl implements WorkNoteDAO        public List findWorkNoteByDate(Date workDate Long userId Long Id SplitPage sp)             return null;       

  public List findWorkNoteByState(String state Long userId Long Id SplitPage sp)             return null;           

  五 创建带JTA事务控制的业务service层

  /**     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA      * User: leizhimin     * Date:      * Time: : :      * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates      */    public interface OfficeService

  public void saveWorkNote(WorkNote workNote);

  public void updateWorkNote(WorkNote workNote);   

  /**     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA      * User: leizhimin     * Date:      * Time: : :      * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates      */    public class OfficeServiceImpl implements OfficeService        private WorkNoteDAO workNoteDAO;

  public WorkNoteDAO getWorkNoteDAO()             return workNoteDAO;       

  public void setWorkNoteDAO(WorkNoteDAO workNoteDAO)             this workNoteDAO = workNoteDAO;       

  public void saveWorkNote(WorkNote workNote)             this workNoteDAO saveObject(workNote);       

  public void updateWorkNote(WorkNote workNote)             this workNoteDAO updateObject(workNote);           

  六 书写单元测试 并运行    /**     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA      * User: leizhimin     * Date:      * Time: : :      * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates      */    public class TestOffice extends TestCase         public void test_worknote_save()            OfficeService officeService = (OfficeService) ContextHelper getContext() getBean( officeServiceProxy );            WorkNote workNote=new WorkNote();            workNote setContent( );            workNote setOrgId(Long parseLong( ));            workNote setCreateDate(new Date());            byte[] b= lavasoft getBytes();            workNote setImage(b);            officeService saveWorkNote(workNote);           




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