知识大全 c#异步调用的几种方式


篇首语:一名具有高尚师德的教师,须是一个因材施教,公正公平对待每一名学生的教师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 c#异步调用的几种方式相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

  首先 我们分析一下异步处理的环境


  不需要在当前线程中获取返回值 但是仍然需要对返回值做处理

  对于第 中情况 还可以继续细分

  在当前线程中启动线程T 然后继续执行当前线程中的其它任务 最后在当前线程中获取T的返回值

  在当前线程中启动线程T 然后继续执行当前线程中的其它任务R 等待T执行完成 当T执行完成后 继续执行当前线程中的其它任务R 最后获取T的返回值

  在当前线程中启动线程T 只要T在执行就执行任务R 最后获取T的返回值

  下面 我将一一给出例子

   在当前线程中启动线程T 然后继续执行当前线程中的其它任务 最后在当前线程中获取T的返回值

   using System;

   using System Collections Generic;

   using System Linq;

   using System Windows Forms;

   using System Threading;

   using System Runtime Remoting Messaging;

   namespace FirstWF


        static class Program


            /// <summary>

            /// The main entry point for the application

            /// </summary>


            static void Main()


                AsyncFuncDelegate caller = new AsyncFuncDelegate(Func);

                Console WriteLine( Input number please );

                IAsyncResult result = caller BeginInvoke(Convert ToInt (Console ReadLine()) null null);

                Console WriteLine( Implement other tasks );

                Thread Sleep( );

                Console WriteLine( Implement other tasks end );

                Console WriteLine( Get user s input );

                Console WriteLine(caller EndInvoke(result));

                Console ReadLine();


            delegate string AsyncFuncDelegate(int userInput);

            static string Func(int userInput)


                Console WriteLine( Func start to run );

                Console WriteLine( );

                Thread Sleep( );

                Console WriteLine( Func end to run );

                return userInput ToString();





  Implement other tasks

  Func start to run


  Func end to run

  Implement other tasks end

  Get user s input


   在当前线程中启动线程T 然后继续执行当前线程中的其它任务R 等待T执行完成 当T执行完成后 继续执行当前线程中的其它任务R 最后获取T的返回值

   static void Main()


                AsyncFuncDelegate caller = new AsyncFuncDelegate(Func);

                Console WriteLine( Input number please );

                IAsyncResult result = caller BeginInvoke(Convert ToInt (Console ReadLine()) null null);

                Console WriteLine( Implement task );

                result AsyncWaitHandle WaitOne();

                result AsyncWaitHandle Close();

                Console WriteLine( Implment task );

                Console WriteLine( Get user s input );

                Console WriteLine(caller EndInvoke(result));

                Console ReadLine();



  Input number please


  Implement task

  Func start to run


  Func end to run

  Implment task

  Get user s input


   在当前线程中启动线程T 只要T在执行就执行任务R 最后获取T的返回值


            static void Main()


                AsyncFuncDelegate caller = new AsyncFuncDelegate(Func);

                Console WriteLine( Input number please );

                IAsyncResult result = caller BeginInvoke(Convert ToInt (Console ReadLine()) null null);

                while (!result IsCompleted)


                    Thread Sleep( );

                    Console Write( > );


                Console WriteLine( );

                Console WriteLine( Implement other task );

                Console WriteLine( Get user s input );

                Console WriteLine(caller EndInvoke(result));

                Console ReadLine();



  Func start to run


  >>>>>Func end to run


  Implement other task

  Get user s input


   不需要在当前线程中获取返回值 但是仍然需要对返回值做处理

   using System;

   using System Collections Generic;

   using System Linq;

   using System Windows Forms;

   using System Threading;

   using System Runtime Remoting Messaging;

   namespace FirstWF


        static class Program


            /// <summary>

            /// The main entry point for the application

            /// </summary>


            static void Main()


                AsyncFuncDelegate caller = new AsyncFuncDelegate(Func);

                Console WriteLine( Input number please );

                caller BeginInvoke(Convert ToInt (Console ReadLine()) new AsyncCallback(CallBackFunc) Message from Main thread );

                Console WriteLine( Main thread ends );

                Console ReadLine();


            delegate string AsyncFuncDelegate(int userInput);

            static string Func(int userInput)


                Console WriteLine( Func start to run );

                Console WriteLine( );

                Thread Sleep( );

                Console WriteLine( Func end to run );

                return userInput ToString();


            static void CallBackFunc(IAsyncResult ar)


                AsyncResult result = ar as AsyncResult;

                string inputMessage = result AsyncState as string;

                AsyncFuncDelegate caller = result AsyncDelegate as AsyncFuncDelegate;

                Console WriteLine( call back starts );

                Console WriteLine(inputMessage);

                Console WriteLine( The input number is : + caller EndInvoke(ar));

                Console WriteLine( call back ends );





  Input number please


  Main thread ends

  Func start to run


  Func end to run

  call back starts

  Message from Main thread

  The input number is :



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