知识大全 求助,能不能尽快帮我翻译出来,财务管理专业英语。

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篇首语:行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 求助,能不能尽快帮我翻译出来,财务管理专业英语。相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


纯人工翻译+手打 你要是给我电子稿就好了。。。= =

能不能上财务管理专业, 我是财务管理专业的能不能报要求招会计专

  • 管理思想观念现代化。即要有服务观念、经济效益观念、时间与效益观念、竞争观念、知识观念、人才观念、资讯观念。
  • 管理方法现代化。即推进先进的管理方法,包括现代经营决策方法、现代理财方法、现代物资管理方法、现代企业生产管理方法等。

  • 管理人员现代化。即努力提高企业管理人员的基本素质,实现人才知识结构现代化,使企业所有管理人员真正做到"懂技术、会管理、善经营"。

  • 管理手段现代化。即资讯传递手段现代化。









专业英语翻译 不要机器翻译出来的

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1. Registration cash bank aount book, check bank statements, foreign currency settlement
2. Procurement and sales and Palit auditing and custody, very close contacts on the bill
3. Son aounting, cost aounting

4. Monthly, quarterly and annual reports of various types
5. Purchase invoices, issuing, custody, employee social security reporting, aounting, pay
6. Month-end inventory, timely inventory report issued by the table


Speciality: Be good at municating with person , have the intense team spirit. Be able to be adjusted to new environment very quickly , ability having autonomous working. Working history: 2004-2009 boats are engaged in an assistant founding rich clothes and ornaments (Shenzhen) Ltd. Working mainly is to cut down a pany aording to selling the order form and the date selling a headquarter and producing branch coordination delivering goods and subscribing to the cabin seat or berth (BY SEA/BY AIR) and ask about to the corporate shipowner and airshipper and parallel quoted price ahead of time, transporting cost , checks a bill at the end of a month with the corporate shipowner and airshipper. The end of a month to marketing agencies submit deliver goods detailed list. F.A being responsible for providing the data applying to the customs , applying. And C.O. And, the boat making a package is engaged in document (INVOICE , PACKING LIST , INSURANCE , F.A./C.O. The signature converges till) preparing a bank document (D/P , D/A , L/C), the signature being responsible for getting rid of a bank surrendering documents converges. And apply to the customs on the being in charge of goods import and export. Know well that the entire boat is engaged in technological process very much , be able to sell a boat at reduced prices on one\'s own being engaged in affair. 2000-2004 high-grade operation Dalian seas bridge transports through international freight acting for the Shenzhen branch pany of Ltd. Act for the data providing , contact a factory aording to abroad. Receive the factory BOOKING , provide sailing date and quoted price giving abroad agency to affirm that. Affirm the queen abroad by procuration , make BOOKING to the corporate shipowner booking a cabin seat or berth, readjust oneself to a certain extent S/O to the factory after getting a cabin seat or berth, the factory applying to the customs , helping if the factory needs to pay pays to apply to the customs, and AMS time pursues a factory in entering stipulating that in the front provide enter the AMS data and make the Shan data, enter AMS within system, with and the factory and the corporate shipowner check B/L. And set sail providing the package document within 3rd being acted for by abroad, the call for aording to the factory puts up original B/L or the put in B/L and corresponding bill of electricity gives a factory. If abroad agency has any idea and plaint, need to solve and handle in the first time. Know entire operation technological process very well , be able to handle operation affair on one\'s own.


知识大全 请帮我翻译成英语:做个诚实的人,不能让我们变聪明,但能让我们获得别人的信任.


知识大全 请问本科中医专业能考英语翻译的研究生吗


知识大全 酸甜苦辣,冷暖自知,我是很有体会的。英语翻译求助。希望英语地道的高手参加哈


知识大全 请英语达人帮我把一段话翻译成英语


知识大全 英语专业师范的,毕业能找什么工作


知识大全 请高手帮我翻译成英语,急


知识大全 急!急!大家谁来帮我翻译成英语


知识大全 请英语高手帮我看看以下协会职务翻译是否准确,不准确的麻烦帮我改下,谢谢啦


知识大全 请问您是否有美国公司的采购协议或采购合同样本的翻译,本人收到一份英语的采购协议,看的很头疼呀,求助


知识大全 英语语言文学专业的研究生毕业后能从事什么工作
