知识大全 英语作文讲述你的一次尴尬经历包括译文80词左右


篇首语:大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有人想改造自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 英语作文讲述你的一次尴尬经历包括译文80词左右相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


I would feel embarrassed, because this article was written by other\'s hand, not my original work. if you saw this one, it truly means that i am a plagiarist, so that is my embarrassing experience. What a shame to be a cheater, once be a cheater, the title of cheater will be acpany you forever. Cheater

讲述一次尴尬经历的英语作文90词, 英语作文讲述尴尬经历,初三

Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn\'t eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I\'m sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn\'t say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."
(不是我自己写的 希望能帮到你)

用英语讲述自己第一次的尴尬经历 作文

Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn\'t eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I\'m sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn\'t say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."


Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn\'t eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I\'m sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn\'t say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."

讲述一次点赞的经历 英语作文

Last Monday,I slept,woke up and found it was seven forty-five.I
hurried to put on clothes,didn\'t eat breakfast,then ride a bike and run
to school.I came to the classroom door,opened the door and said:"I\'m
sorry teacher,I was late." The teacher didn\'t say what,the classroom
students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter,the teacher
that said:"Li Ming,your school uniform anti."

英语作文 讲述近期的一次买鞋的经历

On Saturday evening,Mike went to the town hall.It was the last day of the year and large crowd of people were waiting at the shoe shop.The promotion would start in 20 minutes of time.15 minutes past and then at 5 to 12,Mike rushed to the front of the queue and hurried into the shop.He quickly got a pair of shoes and paid the price the shop assistant demanded then moved away.People were yawling because of his jumping queue but he felt nothing for the noise for the shoes he bought at the price was worthwhile.


An Embarrassed Matter

It was the last day of the old year. Towards noon time when I hurried to bus station, the No. 943 Bus had just arrived. I got on it and found a seat at the back. But when it’s time for me to get off, the bus was so crowded that even the walkway was full of standing people. I tried hard to squeeze to the door and got off. Then I went to the biggest supermarket in the town. After entering the gate, I took a huge basket and began to choose the needed articles for the preparation of celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year. The basketful articles included prawns(对虾), lobsters(龙虾), fish-maws(鱼肚), sea-cucumbers(海参), etc. Then I lined up in the queue waiting for paying the money. After the articles being checked by the casher, she said, “Yours? 250!” I was stunned but began to put my right hand to the pocket to try to find my wallet. To my great surprise, my wallet wasn’t there. I searched all my pockets for it but failed. The casher and all other people waiting in the queue were all looking at me with curious looks. In the end, I felt very embarrassed and said, “Sorry, I have lost my wallet!” I murmured to myself, “I remembered having put the wallet in my pocket before I had left home. It must have been lost in the bus.” The casher sneered, “You are really a 250!” At the moment I got quite annoyed and left the supermarket with empty hands.


Unfettable Experience
The last few days before Christmas are exceptionally busy
days for shopperswe had just entered a jewellery shop when all of a sudden there was a tremendous explosion.

讲述一件你点赞的经历 英语作文 不少于80词

This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.
In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.
After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.
In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.
Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.


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知识大全 英语作文 one day of my most interesting 最有趣的一天,用过去时 (70~80词)谢谢


知识大全 急求一篇高一英语作文,关于曾经的一次生病经历,望语法正确,谢.


知识大全 最好一千多字英语作文,写人生中的一次经历,亮出观点,夹叙夹议,语言简练。


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