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篇首语:习惯不加以抑制,不久它就会变成你生活上的必需品了。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 请高手帮忙翻译成英语,不要谷歌和有道,万分感谢,谢相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


Credit report, in the second part of the "background"
customer credit analysis report template shall be fully reflected in the
customer all external financing, credit financing in addition to the traditional
table inside and outside, still should reflect the credit financing situation,
including bination has won the credit financing, business types and
classification limit, time limit, collaboration, and the amount of the credit
financing, the balance situation etc.

求翻译摘要。谢谢!万分感谢! 请英语高手谢谢!不要谷歌。。。

Financial crisis chinese garment enterprises to develop overseas markets, china\'s of xx group overseas division for example.
the international trade in conventional theories, michael the professor\'s theory of petitive advantage of china overseas division of xx group expansion overseas problems in research, the use of quantitative analysis and interviews analysis methods of analysis, from a theoretical foundation, the present analysis, the problems and should be conducted on the strategy.
By analyzing xx, and directed against china group of the overseas division expansion overseas problems of and reasons put forward some effective solutions. it also bined with international financial crisis and the state-owned enterprises to develop its own characteristics of the building, the overseas division of xx group expansion overseas development strategy.
By article xx : the overseas division of china group expansion overseas should be on the development of market diamond theoretical analysis, on the basis of their own natural advantage of the elements and the high element in overseas markets, different economic development, the overseas market share in its relevant ; Upstream industrial support, ensuring perfectly-fitting garments quality and price of raw materials, and some profit space ;
In its relevant upstream industrial support, ensuring perfectly-fitting garments quality and price of raw materials, and some profit space ; being carried out overseas expansion and growth, strategic readjustment enterprises and the right anization structure.


To sum up, as prediction analyzes, the total capital of A pany cannot balance. While in the concentration period of debts and Medium Term Note, it is predicted to have a financial gap. B pany has reached a critical point for its over-reliance on bank credit and the surging of future expected earnings. If B pany keeps expanding or the earning has not reached the expected level, its capital chain will face some risks.

帮忙翻译成英文,万分感谢啊!不要直译、、、、 谢谢谢谢谢谢、、、

Analysis on the development of wetland ecotourism in Yancheng City summary: Yancheng coastal Shoal Lake wetland, both the original natural scenery, has a vast area of wetlands, biodiversity features, ranging from Elk, Red-crowned cranes, rare animals in the world such as the Chinese sturgeon-class, national treasure, and "strange, beautiful, secluded, wild" distinct geographical features. Is the ideal place for tourism, vacations, leisure, its abundant tourism resources to be strong, rational and scientific utilization in order to promote the development of the local tourism industry. Key words: Yancheng; wetlands eco-tourism, and tourism resources exploitation


If any client who possess any of the not-for-credit financing facilities provided by the BOCOM Group (including its overseas branches, subsidiaries, etc.) , the overall risk of such client shall be controlled continuously by implementing the integrated control in pliance with the related regulations.

Credit business units and client manager, after conducting credit management, in addition to tracking and monitoring the financial condition of the customers operate, we must also focus on the customer in addition to the traditional off-balance sheet financing if there is a non-credit facilities to analyze the impact of customer solvency thus may arise and reflected in the periodic monitoring reports.


We know that Chinese food can be divided into o categories, one is food, also known as staple foods, and slower because of the ography of the South, warm, rich wheat, South
Fangren to rice-based food, the north is flat, dry and cold climate, so the northerners to noodles, steamed buns, dumplings, wonton noodles and other staple food. The other is
Fusi, such as meat, eggs, dairy, poultry, fish, viscera category, seafood, beans and vegetables, etc.. Western countries also can be divided into plant food and
Two types of animals, animal food including meat, poultry, aquatic products category, type of game, like dairy products, eggs, fish products; plant food, including grain
Food categories, such as vegetables, livestock in a cattle (steak, beef, milk……) for the largest, most potatoes to vegetables, and fresh bread-based, with these
Cattle-rich countries, such as potatoes and wheat are closely linked. As for rice, noodles, wonton and dumplings in the West is not as a staple food, and as dishes.
Westerners prefer to cook large pieces of raw materials, such as the large piece of beef row, large fish, large piece of chicken, ducks and large, and even large pieces of bread also. The Chinese food with the exception of a few large
Block of raw materials, mostly raw materials will cut wire, film, paragraph, the article, together with rice. Therefore it was decided the o sides of Chinese and Western cooking methods and focus on a certain difference.
China is a very particular about cooking techniques country. The cooking goes back to ancient times, the world-famous Chinese dishes to cooking skills, tricks wide variety
, Color, smell, shape, gas, intended俱佳and Chiyu the world.
China attaches great importance to heat the cooking, heat, is the firepower of the changes, master heat is on the dishes of raw materials for heating size and firepower is the master of time
Length of cooking to meet the requirements. Also at Wanghuo firepower, the temperature fire, Weihuo, depending on the cooking method of choice of different heat for the Commissioner of China\'s cuisine is very
Chinese cuisine cooking methods are mon more than 50 kinds, aording to methods of operation and the different heat, can be divided into eight categories: First, speculation, explosions, Liu and the other is fried, cooked;
Third, it is fried, Ta, paste, Rang; Fourth, it is burned, rapid, Wei, expense, Caterers; Fifth, it is roasted, salt, smoked, baked mud; six is Tun, boiled, stewed, boiled, steamed; seven is Roberts, sugar Water, nectar; sand is 8.30
Pot, cooking pot, health-pot. Speculation is the most basic cooking techniques, is the most extensive application of a cooking methods. Apart from speculation, it almost every meal is essential for cooking
Way is to cook, cooking is the raw material Add to broth or water, to use Wanghuoshaofei, and Yong Xiaohuo Shaoshu, is one of the ways to do soups, broth-thick, taste
- Fresh. The benefits of speculation and it is a short time, speed, bee a general housewives monly used method of cooking. Meanwhile, boil soups and stew is cooking methods, the general
To take a more expensive ingredients in the soup, cooked and after preliminary treatment of major raw materials into the anti-containers, Wanghuo boil, small fire or a heating Weihuo long cooking
Transfer methods. As a long time, cooking up the dish with texture Sulan, broth Weinong mellow-fresh characteristics. Suitable for autumn and winter period as a fill in nutrition
Commodities to eat. Steam is China\'s one of the oldest cooking methods, steaming method of operation is relatively simple, that is the raw material into containers filled drawer, produced by heating
High-temperature steam而使raw material of a mature cooking methods. Aording to the most critical is the nature of raw materials, type, shape and texture of food, master all kinds of heat. It
The feature is able to maintain its shape and color of the beautiful, a hotel and the family favorite.


At the same time the pany prophase technical renovation and upgrade management cost control effect also appeared as the growth of the production step by step, the production cost control in good condition, sales gross profit margin of 16.53%, and continues to grow by 15-16% growth. Company EBIDTA ratio has risen to 17.98%, from 3.06% at the end of 2009 to improve significantly. In the first half of 2010 EBIDTA growth of 39.05, growth remains strong.


B rate of assets and liabilities of the pany although have declined in recent years, but overall has been more than 80%, keep at a high level, reflects its long-term debt paying ability weak. The main reason is because when A group B pany, the pany itself to restructure the loan way under taken by shareholders to undertake as mergers and acquisitions to price loans 800 million yuan, but considering that the loans provided by wanhua industrial joint liability guarantee, therefore, the loan is actually share the solvency of new shareholders.

A pany\'s short-term debt paying ability weakened slightly, in recent years the current ratio and quick ratio are declining, but the current ratio of 1.4, the quick ratio of 1.08, still aord with the standard of normal of the industry.Solvency indicators and cash ratio change is bigger, the main reason is that in 2009 the pany acquired by group b before facing larger financial problems, in order to ensure that the pany liquidity and cashability, reduce inventory, not aording to the scale of production to match the corresponding raw material reserves.


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