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篇首语:古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 急需相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
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大家好,我叫刘百灵,经过大家投票选择,我现在已经是一班之长了,感谢大家对我的认可,能给我这个机会。我是一个爱唱歌的女孩,英语成绩较好。我将来必定会担起班长这个重担,带领我们7( )班同学奋发向上,谢谢大家。主要提纲就是这样 。我可不是抄的哦,自己再补充一点吧,说说志向什么的
The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS)is one of the largest media and entertainment corporations in the world. Founded on October 16, 1923, by brothers Walt and Roy Disney as an animation studio, it has bee one of the biggest Hollywood studios, and owner and licensor of eleven theme parks and several television neorks, including ABC and ESPN. Disney\'s corporate headquarters and primary production facilities are located at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. The pany is a ponent of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
急需universal studio的英文介绍!!
环球影业制片厂(Universal City Studios)是好莱坞近来颇具号召力的一个热门观光据点。游客进到此处后便搭上片场的游览车,沿途上会经过如乱世佳人等电影的拍摄场景,遇见大金刚之类的旧时电影主角。片场中的一条街上是世界各大城市的街景,有美国西部片里的小镇、纽约、英国伦敦、德国柏林、罗马古城等,布景几可乱真。最新的游乐区是斥资一亿美金的侏罗记公园,游客在这里坐上游艇,然后驶入一个充满热带景象的环境,恐龙在一旁平静的漫步著,突然间恐龙大发兽性,制造出一场混乱,尤如天崩地裂般令人心惊胆跳。
Based on the theme of Hollywood Movies, Universal Studio was actually a carnie as well as a movie-making factory. A tremendous park which was full of grotesque houses and gift shops and restaurants.
As a movie buff,I couldn’t refuse the tempting to witness how a hollywood movie makes and the Universal Studio provides visitors a chance to peer at the special effect producing. the hosts who gave the demostrations are funny and you’ll enjoy it and learn the interesting things at the same time.
Anyway,the puter graffiti technology played a big role in Hollywood movies nowadays and it gave little encourages to me who’ve dreamed of making a movie myself..it’s nothing but money at all..
For those who never think of making a movie, Studio was still an irresistible place. the houses were stylish and they had been designed in relation to certain movie,such as the decoration of the house of “the Revenge of the Mummy” totally derived from the ancient Egyptian culture. Beside their geous appearance,these houses held really exciting secrets inside.
Among those theme-houses,the one titled”Back To The Future” was my most favoured.Once inside it , visitors would be arranged in a dark room and seated on a model car, then, as the virtual technology making effect and the car being on motion, visitors would be in a world as fantastic as what they’ve seen in the movie and within minutes,they would experience a time travel within which the visitors had to get through a horrifying volcano and some terrifying dinosaurs. cool,everything was so real,Einstein would have loved it if he could have a try.
so,that’s the Universal Studio, a place should be on the highest priority whatever you are looking for through your journey in Los Angles…
中文哪个不是翻译。是另外一个简介。你自己看着选吧 。
急需 培根 英文介绍!
Sir Francis Bacon (later Lord Verulam and the Viscount St. Albans) was an English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian, intellectual reformer, philosopher, and champion of modern science. Early in his career he claimed “all knowledge as his province” and afterwards dedicated himself to a wholesale revaluation and re-structuring of traditional learning. To take the place of the established tradition (a miscellany of Scholasticism, humanism, and natural magic), he proposed an entirely new system based on empirical and inductive principles and the active development of new arts and inventions, a system whose ultimate goal would be the production of practical knowledge for “the use and benefit of men” and the relief of the human condition.
At the same time that he was founding and promoting this new project for the advancement of learning, Bacon was also moving up the ladder of state service. His career aspirations had been largely disappointed under Elizabeth I, but with the ascension of James his political fortunes rose. Knighted in 1603, he was then steadily promoted to a series of offices, including Solicitor General (1607), Attorney General (1613), and eventually Lord Chancellor (1618). While serving as Chancellor, he was indicted on charges of bribery and forced to leave public office. He then retired to his estate where he devoted himself full time to his continuing literary, scientific, and philosophical work. He died in 1626, leaving behind a cultural legacy that, for better or worse, includes most of the foundation for the triumph of technology and for the modern world as we currently know it.
Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to those parts of this article)
1. Life and Political Career
2. Thought and Writings
a. Literary Works
b. The New Atlantis
c. Scientific and Philosophical Works
d. The Great Instauration
e. The Advancement of Learning
f. The “Distempers” of Learning
g. The Idea of Progress
h. The Reclassification of Knowledge
i. The New Organon
j. The Idols
k. Induction
3. Reputation and Cultural Legacy
4. References and Further Reading
1. Life and Political Career
Sir Francis Bacon (later Lord Verulam, the Viscount St. Albans, and Lord Chancellor of England) was born in London in 1561 to a prominent and well-connected family. His parents were Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal, and Lady Anne Cooke, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, a knight and one-time tutor to the royal family. Lady Anne was a learned woman in her own right, having acquired Greek and Latin as well as Italian and French. She was a sister-in-law both to Sir Thomas Hoby, the esteemed English translator of Castiglione, and to Sir William Cecil (later Lord Burghley), Lord Treasurer, chief counselor to Elizabeth I, and from 1572-1598 the most powerful man in England.
Bacon was educated at home at the family estate at Gorhambury in Herfordshire. In 1573, at the age of just elve, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where the stodgy Scholastic curriculum triggered his lifelong opposition to Aristotelianism (though not to the works of Aristotle himself).
In 1576 Bacon began reading law at Gray’s Inn. Yet only a year later he interrupted his studies in order to take a position in the diplomatic service in France as an assistant to the ambassador. In 1579, while he was still in France, his father died, leaving him (as the second son of a second marriage and the youngest of six heirs) virtually without support. With no position, no land, no ine, and no immediate prospects, he returned to England and resumed the study of law.
Bacon pleted his law degree in 1582, and in 1588 he was named lecturer in legal studies at Gray’s Inn. In the meantime, he was elected to Parliament in 1584 as a member for Melbe in Dorsetshire. He would remain in Parliament as a representative for various constituencies for the next 36 years.
In 1593 his blunt criticism of a new tax levy resulted in an unfortunate setback to his career expectations, the Queen taking personal offense at his opposition. Any hopes he had of being Attorney General or Solicitor General during her reign were dashed, though Elizabeth eventually relented to the extent of appointing Bacon her Extraordinary Counsel in 1596.
It was around this time that Bacon entered the service of Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex, a dashing courtier, soldier, plotter of intrigue, and sometime favorite of the Queen. No doubt Bacon viewed Essex as a rising star and a figure who could provide a much-needed boost to his own sagging career. Unfortunately, it was not long before Essex’s own fortunes plummeted following a series of military and political blunders culminating in a disastrous coup attempt. When the coup plot failed, Devereux was arrested, tried, and eventually executed, with Bacon, in his capacity as Queen’s Counsel, playing a vital role in the prosecution of the case.
In 1603, James I sueeded Elizabeth, and Bacon’s prospects for advancement dramatically improved. After being knighted by the king, he swiftly ascended the ladder of state and from 1604-1618 filled a suession of high-profile advisory positions:
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