知识大全 英语作文我昨天下午在看书60字带翻译

Posted 海滩

篇首语:日日行,不怕千万里;时时学,不怕千万卷。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了知识大全 英语作文我昨天下午在看书60字带翻译相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


My Change caused by Reading
Several month ago I found an article when I was killing time.I was deeply attracted by the book for it touched my heart.
It tells something on how to realize your dream.I always find it\'s a little bit funny and ridiculous of such inspirational books.But it\'s obviously special that this book audaciously expressed that it would be same status without progress if keep same opinions and habits.
Then how to change?and what\'s the solutions?It gave a fresh idea that to live a colorful life or to save your time from now on.of course we need change start from concept,firstly you should find some bad habits related time-wasting and correct it.secondly try to keep in touch with more suessful people and learn from them.thirdly to study subject you are interested.And never waste your time again,now,from now on.
I ruminated after read that book,enjoy your life or keep it rich,different and significative.I changed a lot,I gave up some bad habits of lazy and aimless stroll,I turnned off the puter if I do not need it.I do not play games on the cell phone,I squat down to talk to my son,I go to concert and enjoy it.I do not stay up late for playing,etc.anyway it seems there is no change but it also seems very big change on me.I think at least I am now living a healthier life.and my mental state is better.It\'s really amazing!


I am dancing yesterday afternoon


I was at the beach at five o\'clock yesterday afternoon


I was doing my homework when the earthquake started last night .I could feel the shaking of the whole building. Some books in my study fell to the floor from the bookcase. At the same time ,I heard a man shouting ,“Earthquake. Earthquake.” I quickly went into my parents’ bedroom and woke them up .And then we went downstairs in a hurry together. Luckily, the earthquake was not strong enough. After the earthquake was over, the building was still there, and everyone in the building was still alive.

昨天下午很有趣 翻译成英语

这样写不合适。不能直接说the afternoon 很 interesting。
最好说 it was interesting xxx in the last afternoon.
xxx: 具体某事。
譬如:It was interesting talking with you in the last afternoon.
The movie that we watched in the last afternoon was pretty interesting.

英语作文:my bad day。昨天下午去机场接朋友…

Dear Aldrich, I would like to express my apology that I can\'t meet you at the airport on time.Because I am busy making preparation for yesterday"s test。And I must go to hospotai to see my brother,he is ill in bed .So I maybe pick you up behind time.About an hour later I can go to the airport.Can you wait me for an hour Please wait for me at the airport hall 。Have a good time!Yous,LiHua.


  1. He was reading in the park yesterday.
  2. He was doing some reading in the  park yesterday.


I didn\'t read books ,I went to a movie instead yesterdat afternoon

昨天下午你怎么了?英语翻译_____________yesterday afternoon?

What happened to you


Helen: Henry,why don\'t we go out for lunch today and visit some friends?
Henry:And miss today\'s football game? Washington is playing New York today. I can\'t miss that.
Helen: Honestly, Henry. Don\' t you ever get tired of football game ?
Henry :This will be one of the best games of the year and I haven\'t seen Washington play for years.
Helen: Oh, e on, Henry. Don\' t you think it silly to spend every Sunday afternoon in front of the TV set, watching football?
Henry:No,not at all. Why don\'t you watch it with me? You might like it.
Helen:No,thanks. I have better things to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it\' s too rough for me.求采纳,新年好


知识大全 翻译:我长大以后想当一名歌唱家. 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害. 学好英语对我们来说非常重要.


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